Procurement People of Tomorrow Award

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Scotland has been fertile ground for the advancement of public procurement, with many outstanding examples of progress and achievement being celebrated in the GO Awards Scotland.

This Award recognises the achievements of the next generation of public procurement professional in Scotland. It focuses on individuals who have progressed through the Procurement People of Tomorrow programme and who are making a valuable contribution to public procurement in their organisation and more widely across the nation.

Open to: Individuals employed in a public procurement role for a Scottish contracting authority who have joined the profession since the inception of the Procurement People of Tomorrow (PPoT) programme.

Submissions must be supported by the contracting authority that the entrant is employed by – for example, a written statement with the name and position of the sponsor, either within the submission or as an attachment. 

Timescale: This Award is open to individuals who have participated in the PPoT programme from its inception in 2014 until December 31st 2020.

Entry Questions


Please outline why you decided to join the procurement profession, what inspired you and in which PPoT entry route(s) you participated (e.g. Foundation, Modern or Graduate Apprenticeship; HND or Graduate  Programme; Student, Postgraduate or other type of Placement/Internship; Disabled, Care Leaver, Veteran, Career Changer, ‘Fair Start Scotland’, ‘Going Forward into Employment’ or other recognised scheme/programme). What  were/are your aspirations for a career within public procurement? What barriers or challenges had you encountered in securing employment (if any) prior to joining the profession?

Explain the impact you have had on the procurement function(s) or team(s) that you have been working with and how? How has this benefited both the organisation and wider stakeholders?

Please provide detail of a specific project or initiative that you have supported in your procurement role and explain the difference and impact your specific contribution has made.

Which challenges are you most passionate about procurement helping to solve? How is that evidenced in the approach you have taken so far?

What new skills have you developed or honed as a result of coming into a procurement role via one of our PPoT routes and how are these helping you and the team that you are working within?

Where are you on your professional journey and how are you supporting that via continuous professional development?

What lessons have you learned or experiences gained that could help evolve the PPoT programme for continued success and how have you shared these with others to support their development?